Upper School

As children move up the school and enter Years 6, 7 and 8 their focus turns to the 11+, 13+ and the transition to senior school.

Preparation for the next step

At Heathside, we never put an age limit on play so strike a delicate balance between keeping this value alive and preparing children in upper school for their next steps.

From Year 6 children will take on more responsibility across the school, for example holding a leadership position and acting as role models for the rest of our community.

We also offer children in these year groups more ‘real-life’ experiences, from career days to debating and public speaking opportunities.

Our fantastic results

Our children go on to great senior schools, take a look at the most recent 11+ and 13+ destinations here.

The right support

While our teachers and staff are well versed in the transition to senior school, we’re proud to host a Place2Be Councillor, offering support to those that need it, reducing stigma and promoting positive mental health during these transition periods.

You can find out more about Place2Be on their website.