Welcome from the Head

Dear Parents, Guardians, and Pupils,

A warm welcome to Heathside School Hampstead!

As the Headteacher of this wonderful school, I am delighted to extend my heartfelt greetings to each and every one of you. At Heathside, we believe in providing an educational journey that is as unique as the pupils who walk through our doors. Here, we celebrate diversity, embrace creativity, and foster a love for learning that knows no bounds.

Heathside School Hampstead is not just a place of academics; it is a sanctuary for childhoods. We understand the importance of cherishing every moment of this precious phase of life. Our values of being grounded, protective, and brave guide us in creating an environment where pupils can thrive, explore, and grow to their fullest potential.

With our feet firmly on the ground and our hearts warmed by the embrace of nature, we encourage our pupils to reach for the stars. At Heathside, we provide a unique blend of knowledge and experience, where the arts and the natural world come together to inspire young minds. Our commitment to instilling empathy, compassion, and respect ensures that our pupils not only excel academically but also grow into kind-hearted and confident individuals.

As parents, you are looking for something different, a place where your child can be seen and valued for who they are. And to our dear pupils, you are ready to grow, explore, and challenge yourselves in pursuit of your dreams. Here at Heathside School Hampstead, we welcome you with open arms to be a part of our nurturing family.

So, together, let’s embrace the beauty of nature, the power of creativity, and the joy of learning. Let’s create memories that will last a lifetime and friendships that will withstand the test of time.

I invite you to explore our website, learn more about our curriculum, facilities, and values, and get a glimpse of the vibrant community that is Heathside School Hampstead.

Thank you for considering Heathside as the place for your child’s educational journey. We are excited to embark on this adventure with you, supporting and nurturing each pupil to blossom into a confident and compassionate individual.

With warm regards,

Nadia Ward

Head Teacher
Heathside School Hampstead

Meet our Head Designate

We are thrilled to announce that the new Head of Heathside School will be Sara Williams-Ryan, currently the Head of Falcons School in Putney. Sara will join us in the first quarter of 2025.

Sara is an excellent fit for Heathside, bringing with her six years of experience as a Head, along with strong leadership qualities and a comprehensive understanding of the role’s demands. There are many similarities between her current school and Heathside – both are co-educational institutions with a strong family focus, nurturing ethos, and a commitment to academic excellence, sports, and the performing and creative arts.

Originally from Spain, Sara completed her schooling and first degree in Switzerland. After university, she moved to the UK, starting her teaching career in the state sector before transitioning to the independent sector at Ibstock Place School as Head of Modern Foreign Languages. Sara has completed her PGCE and MA in Education and has held significant responsibilities at Emanuel School, including pastoral care and languages. She also brings valuable experience as a school Governor in both state and independent sectors. Sara is married and has adult twin daughters.

Sara’s extensive experience, coupled with her vibrant and enthusiastic personality, make her the perfect choice to lead Heathside into the future, once Nadia leaves us at Christmas 2024 to pursue new horizons in Dorset. She will guide the school with energy, determination, and a clear focus on maintaining and enhancing Heathside’s unique ethos and culture.


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